PM Plenković with EVP Fitto: Croatia leads way in absorption of funds under NRRP

  • Photo /Vijesti/2025/Sijecanj/20_sijecnja/Z63_6275.jpg

Croatia leads the way in the absorption of funds under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), it was said at the conference "National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Competitiveness and Green Transition in Croatia" in Zagreb today. The conference, organised by the European Commission's Representation in Croatia and the Croatian government, was attended by Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, several government ministers, and the European Commission Executive Vice President for Cohesion and Reforms, Raffaele Fitto.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković met today with the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for Cohesion and Reforms, Raffaele Fitto, who visited Zagreb to discuss the practical implementation and future of the Cohesion Policy with Croatian leaders, as well as the delivery of the Croatian Recovery and Resilience Plan and the overall progress of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

After the bilateral meeting, Prime Minister Plenković and EVP Fitto addressed the Annual Recovery and Resilience Facility Conference, discussing topics including the green transition, competitiveness, and the benefits of the RRF for Croatian citizens and businesses.

In his speech, the Prime Minister emphasized that the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Fitto chose Croatia as the first country he visited in his new position on a tour of the capitals of the member states.

This is an important political message, the Prime Minister emphasized, because, among other things, Croatia has fulfilled 183 of the 183 reforms and indicators in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which it set for itself.

This is a recognition of the dynamics of the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and an incentive for even more efficient absorption of funds from the current financial perspective and faster catching up with those who entered the Union before us, he added.

Alonside Italy, Croatia is currently the most efficient and fastest in implementing the program. This year, he added, it will have committed 81 percent of the total funds of 10.5 billion euros available to it through the EU's Next Generation Instrument.

European Commission commends Croatia's progress

Commissioner Fitto commended Croatia for its achievements, including milestones like joining the Schengen Area and adopting the euro. He noted the country's economic growth exceeding 3% annually and highlighted Croatia's leadership in NRRP implementation, having received €4.5 billion so far.
During his speech, he noted:

“Croatia is among the leading countries in implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). This is a remarkable achievement, considering that the total value of the plan is 10 billion euros, equivalent to nearly 13% of Croatia’s GDP. To date, Croatia has successfully reached 157 milestones and targets and has already received 4.5 billion euros, an impressive 44.7% of all available funds.”

He further acknowledged the country’s efforts by stating:

“You have also already submitted the sixth payment request, in line with the established schedule. The Commission’s services are currently evaluating it. However, the implementation of EU policies is not just a matter of money. What truly matters are the results on the ground, the benefits for citizens, the structural changes, and the impact we can actually see. I would like to mention a few examples. The reform of the new renewable energy legislation helps remove barriers to the adoption of renewable energy sources. The hydrogen strategy provides an alternative for hydrogen-based fuels. The healthcare reform aims to strengthen the resilience and sustainability of the entire sector. And the reform that enhances excellence in scientific research speaks for itself.”

Text: Vlada / The Watcherpost EU / Hina
