Milanovic calls on protesting veterans to end protest

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday evening that there was no reason for the ongoing protest of disabled war veterans and that there would be none as long as the country was run by his government.

"Reasons for the protest outside the War Veterans' Ministry building never existed, they do not exist today and they will not exist as long as Croatia is run by my government. Although I do not doubt the sincerity of most of the protesting veterans, I call on them to return to their families and not to further jeopardise their health," Milanovic said in an address excerpts of which were broadcast by Croatian Television.

Milanovic stressed that the government was open to talks with veterans on all their problems, "however, not in the street, but in the institutions of the state for which they fought."

The Prime Minister also said that he could not accept the protesters' demand for the resignation of Veterans Minister Predrag Matic and his closest aides.

Milanovic underlined that his government did not give any reason for the protest.

"By no thought, word, act or omission did my government bring into question the human dignity of Croatian war veterans and the lasting importance of the Homeland War in which the highest values of our nation and our society were successfully defended. Those values are human freedom, democracy, equality and solidarity."

Milanovic noted that the incumbent government did not restrict any of the veterans' legal rights and that despite the difficult economic situation it never considered budget cuts at the expense of war veterans, notably disabled veterans and war victims.

(Hina) rml
