Economy Ministry to manage EU aid for flood damage

Croatia expects a little over EUR 17.5 million from the European Union's Solidarity Fund to cover the damage caused by an ice storm and floods in February and May this year and the government on Thursday adopted a decision on the allocation of the grant.

The decision tasks the Economy Ministry with managing the funds and choosing an independent body to audit the spending, in line with European Commission requirements.

The Economy Ministry submitted two official applications for the grant and the Commission accepted both, Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic said at the government session.

The money is given to renovate the infrastructure and what serves common use and not to repair damage to private buildings. Of said amount, EUR 8.6 million will be used for damage caused by ice and floods in February and EUR 8.6 million for flood damage in May.

After approval by the European Parliament and Council, the Commission is expected to adopt formal decisions on the allocation of the grant.

The government also adopted a decision on the procurement of goods and services worth HRK 1.2 million for residents of flooded areas in Vukovar-Srijem County, and a decision on the allocation for HRK 4 million to alleviate the consequences of natural disasters which struck in November 2013 and February 2014.

"Two million kuna refers to direct damage to agriculture and two million to damage to buildings," Finance Minister Boris Lalovac said, adding that the aid referred to six towns and 17 municipalities.

(1 euro = 7.6 kuna)

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