Prime Minister Sanader receives Czech Senate Speaker

Predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske dr. sc. Ivo Sanader primio je danas u Banskim dvorima izaslanstvo Senata Češke Republike, na čelu s Přemyslom Sobotkom, predsjednikom Senata Češke Republike.

ZAGREB, May 21 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader received Czech Senate Speaker Premysl Sobotka in Zagreb on Thursday, thanking the Czech Republic for its support to Croatia in the Euro-Atlantic integration processes.

PM Sanader informed his guest about Croatia's position on the Slovenian blockade of its European Union accession negotiation, saying he hoped Slovenia would accept the latest proposal by EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn for the settlement of their border dispute.

Sobotka congratulated Croatia on becoming a NATO member, confirming his country's support for Croatia to join the EU as soon as possible.

Earlier in the day, Sobotka held separate talks with Croatian Parliament Speaker Luka Bebic, President Stjepan Mesic and Foreign Minister Gordan Jandrokovic.

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