Sisak refinery workers satisfied with PM's support

Representatives of the workers of the INA oil refinery in Sisak said after talks with Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Tuesday that they were satisfied with the support he expressed.

"We are satisfied with the meeting because we received support from the prime minister in efforts to keep the Sisak refinery operating," Sisak Mayor Kristina Ikic Banicek said.

Ikic Banicek said that the refinery's employees presented the prime minister with figures that indicate that the refinery can do business at a profit.

Asked what concrete support they received from Milanovic, Ikic Banicek said that they had received support for their endeavours to keep production at the refinery going. Asked whether there were any mechanisms that could compel INA to that, she said that considering the distribution of seats on INA's supervisory and management board between Croatian and Hungarian representatives, there were no such mechanisms and that the PM could exert positive pressure and make statements for the media, but that nevertheless his support meant a lot.

Predrag Sekulic, who represented the refinery's workers at the meeting, said that the prime minister supported them in their effort to keep the refinery operating.

"We are satisfied with the meeting and we expect further moves," said Sekulic and confirmed that the "other side" was not waiting and was going down the path it had set. He warned that lists were being drawn up to reduce the number of INA employees.

He added that 101 workers at the Sisak refinery had been offered to leave with severance packages and that steps taken by INA's management indicated that the refinery would be shut down for good while its workers were interested in continuing production, modernisation and further employment.

"Workers can rest easier. The prime minister gave us his support and without the government, MOL cannot shut down the Sisak Refinery," a member of the refinery workers' delegation, Zdravko Duzic, said.

Production of domestic oil at the Sisak refinery was halted on Wednesday, 14 January. INA has said that this is a normal procedure to optimise business operations and not to shut down the refinery, but its workers have warned that its permanent closure is becoming more and more likely.

The Croatian state holds around 44% of INA's shares and the Hungarian company MOL holds a 49% stake.

(Hina) sp

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