Gov't proposes fixed CHF-HRK exchange rate for small business owners and farmers too

The Government has put forward an amendment to the Credit Institutions Act proposing the fixed exchange rate for Swiss franc (CHF) should also apply to small business owners, free-lancers and farmers.

The Croatian government has put forward an amendment to the Credit Institutions Act proposing that the fixed exchange rate of 6.39 kuna (HRK) for one Swiss franc (CHF) should also apply to small business owners, free-lancers and farmers, the government announced in a press release after a telephone conference on Monday.

The proposal was prompted by the recent amendment of the Consumer Credit Act which extended protection to holders of franc-denominated loans from a sudden rise in the CHF exchange rate by fixing the exchange rate to 6.39 kuna for one franc over a period of one year.

(Hina) vm

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