Croatia urges Serbia to annul law on universal jurisdiction over war crimes

Serbia cannot enter the European Union as long as it has the current law on exercising universal jurisdiction over Croatia's citizens, and Croatia will not allow such developments, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said at the government's meeting in Zagreb on Thursday.

Such a law is unacceptable and the European Union functions according to specific rules in judicial cooperation and has the European Arrest Warrant (EUW), Milanovic said, explaining that Serbia would have to annul the controversial law.

The rules are clear and Serbia is not playing according to them as long as it has such legislation, the Croatian premier said, calling on Belgrade to rescind the law.

Justice Minister Orsat Miljenic criticised Serbia for attempting to create a mini war tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and for trying to impose itself as the centre for the prosecution of war crimes that had been perpetrated in the area of former Yugoslav Socialist Federation.

Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic said that the European Union's member states were cooperating in judicial matters and had the EAW as a model of cooperation, and that extending one's jurisdiction was certainly not the way to cooperate.

(Hina) ms

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