Milanovic: Economic programme is matter of national security

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday that a Croatian economic programme was "a matter of national security, which is decided by our people, Croats in Croatia, and not by people in Moscow or Berlin."

Speaking to the press during a visit to Jelsa on the southern island of Hvar, Milanovic said that a consensus in politics was welcome, but "if there is no consensus, or if someone undermines it all the time, then we should work on it, which we do and the results of our efforts can been seen."

Milanovic was asked to comment on Monday's call by opposition leader Tomislav Karamarko for a consensus on his HDZ party's economic programme. He said that the last person who had tried to write a programme for Croatia outside Croatia "was Stalin, in 1946 or 47" and that in that regard Croatia did not need advice from others because "others do not view our interests the way we do."

Karamarko said a few days ago that the HDZ was preparing an economic platform in cooperation with the IFO institute from Munich and that they were very pleased with it.

Milanovic criticised the opposition for obstructing the work of the government over the last three years, while at the same time not proposing any bills that made sense. "I don't know what I could agree on with people who have no ideas," the PM said.

When asked about the possibility of outgoing President Ivo Josipovic returning to his SDP party, Milanovic said that Josipovic was welcome back and that whether or not he would return was his own business "because that's democracy, you can't force anyone."

(Hina) vm

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