PM Milanovic visited newly-built waste-water drainage system on island of Rab

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic visited the HRK 65-million newly-built waste-water drainage system on the northern island of Rab on Tuesday, as well as the main island road running from the town of Rab to Lopar, which is under reconstruction.

Milanovic said that these projects would improve living standards on the island and enhance the tourist trade.

Of the 65 million kuna spent on the drainage system, 32.5 million kuna came from a World Bank loan, 15.6 million was provided by the Croatian Agriculture Ministry, 3.25 million by the Hrvatske Vode water management company and the reminder of HRK 13.65 million was secured by local government.

The reconstruction of the road costs HRK 42.5 million exclusive of Value Added Tax, and Hrvatske Ceste road operator is the investor.

(Hina) ms
