Govt adopts statement of preparedness to commence Schengen evaluation

The government on Thursday adopted a statement of preparedness to commence Schengen evaluation procedures and authorised Interior Minister Rajko Ostojic to submit the statement to the relevant European Union bodies in order to launch evaluation procedures in 2016.

The purpose of the evaluation and monitoring mechanism is to ensure an effective, consistent and transparent application of the Schengen rules and regulations to Member States while at the same time maintaining a high level of mutual trust between those Member States.

The strengthened mechanism covers all aspects of the Schengen acquis, including external borders, visa policy, the Schengen Information System, data protection, police cooperation, judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as well as the absence of border control at the internal borders and the functioning of the authorities applying the relevant parts of the Schengen acquis.

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said that the statement marked the start of a process that will continue for some months during which Croatia will demonstrate its preparedness to become part of the Schengen area and have the EU border placed on Croatia's border to those neighbouring countries that are not part of the Union.

He considered this to be important for Croatian citizens because then they would be able to travel within the Schengen area without having their documents checked but also an important security matter.

Croatia is a stable country and is ready to take on the responsibility of controlling its exterior borders, he said.

(Hina) sp

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