Minister Grcic urges cooperation in efforts to absorb available EU funds

As much as 96 billion kuna is put at the disposal to Croatia within the European Union funds from 2014 to 2020, and in order to enhance the absorption of those funds, cooperation between the government, entrepreneurs, citizens, local self-government and civil society associations is necessary.

The government has done the largest share of this job, and will continue doing its job but partnership and unity of all stakeholders is necessary, and that refers to entrepreneurs, citizens, notably the unemployed, units of local self-government, civil society associations. All other stakeholders in the public and private sector must be included, together with us, in the absorption of this huge money and thereby contribute to faster economic growth, Grcic said.

EU funds higher than one billion euros annually could help create jobs for 15,000-20,000 people annually, directly and indirectly, Grcic said.

They can help increase the national GDP by 1, 1.5 or 2 per cent provided that all funds are absorbed, he said.

Grcic mentioned the EU-funded projects that are now being implemented in Croatia such as the upgrading of Dubrovnik Airport, a future bridge connecting Ciovo and the mainland, a regional entrepreneurial centre in Zagreb, several water supply systems etc.

As for the pace of the withdrawal of funds, the minister noted that at the very beginning, the process seemed slower due to procedures and public procurement processes, with the accelerated realisation to be expected in third and four year of implementation.

At panel discussions within the conference, the Croatian Minister for SMEs, Gordan Maras, said that HRK 7.4 billion would be put at the disposal to SMEs until, 2020, and in 2015 alone, applications would be invited for projects worth HRK 3.9 billion on the aggregate.

As much as five billion euros is available to the agricultural sector until 2020, Agriculture Minister Tihomir Jakovina said.

The government and relevant ministries will promote possibilities for the absorption and use of European Union funds in March and April under the slogan "Together for EU funds", and the first presentation was in Zagreb today.

Presentations will be organised in Osijek, Rijeka, Split and Varazdin to acquaint entrepreneurs, notably SMEs, with the possibilities of obtaining EU funding.

Topics will include investment in rural development and agriculture, sustainable development, environment, employment, cultural heritage and social infrastructure

(EUR 1 = HRK 7.6)

(Hina) ms
