Deputy Prime Minister Grcic says TDR's sale contribution to foreign investments in Croatia

Croatia's Deputy Prime Minister and Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Branko Grcic said on Monday that the sale of the Tvornica Duhana Rovinj (TDR) tobacco factory to British American Tobacco (BAT) was a new contribution to foreign direct investments in Croatia

Commenting at the 10th convention of Croatian exporters on the sale of the TDR by the tourism and tobacco company Adris Group to BAT, Grcic said that Adris Group made money in one business and invested in other businesses in Croatia, such as tourism and fisheries, "which is what Croatia needs the most."

"If such a good and profitable industry exists it would be very good for it to stay in Croatian hands and that profit from these industries moves to other sectors. (Adris Group) has bought the Croatia Osiguranje insurance company as well, and this indicates a business concept I too would support rather than selling factories to foreign buyers," said Grcic.

(Text and photo: Hina)
