Prime Minister Milanovic met with representatives of protesting veterans

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic, War Veterans Minister Predrag Matic and Defence Minister Ante Kotromanovic on Monday held an open-door meeting with representatives of protesting war veterans. 

After today's two-hours talks they decided to schedule a working meeting of the premier and representatives of veterans' association for next Monday.
Milanovic said that the transfer of the minimum allowance from the remit of one ministry to another had been probably done for the sake of bringing order to the entire system, and admitted that the move might have been wrong, but rejected accusations that this had been directed against war veterans.
The protestors' representatives apologised to the public for an incident when late last Thursday some protestors took gas cylinders to Savska Street outside the veterans' ministry where they had set up tents during their ongoing sit-in rally.
After today's talks, Minister Matic said that the issues which the leaders of the protesting veterans had presented at the talks could not be the reason for them having set up the tent for the sit-in rally.
(Text and main photo: Hina)


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