Government presents web site for exporters

Croatian government officials on Thursday presented a web site intended for exporters offering useful and relevant information to exporters and those wishing to enter foreign markets at the address

"The export web site is part of the government's systematic support to exporters through the Export Action Plan, the Commission for internationalisation of the Croatian economy, and economic diplomacy," said Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusic.

Business diplomats have so far helped 1,700 exporters to 116 markets with more than 6,000 services. Exporters deserve the most credit for the current growth in exports, Pusic said, noting that the government, too, deserved some credit.

Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Branko Grcic recalled that Croatian exports had been rising since the end of 2013, which he said was evidence of economic recovery.

He warned, however, that along with export growth, also growing, albeit at lower rates, were imports, but since their value was significant, the foreign trade balance deficit was growing as well.

Grcic said that almost all components of GDP contributed to economic recovery, primarily personal consumption and investment. He noted that the construction sector was starting to recover as well, owing to public investments assisted with EU funds.

"Croatia has also formally overcome the recession, the economy is starting to recover. No one can downplay that. I expect an even higher growth in the second quarter, and each following quarter will be better," said Grcic.

Economy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak said that Croatia was increasingly exporting finished goods and importing energy and raw materials.

He said that Croatia would soon have enough energy to export too.

The web site for exporters contains current news about domestic companies' export deals, export-related economic trends, changes in legislation regulating exports, as well as information on the work of the Commission for internationalisation of the Croatian economy and on the implementation of the government's Export Action Plan and various information materials and documents.

Exporters as well as other entrepreneurs can warn via the web site of possible trade and other obstacles on a foreign market as well as give suggestions regarding the organisation of export and ask questions.

The web site also contains various services for exporters, such as a test of export readiness and information on export grants, as well as information on events, trade fairs and visits by national trade delegations and EU delegations, information on export procedures, on the economies of the 63 biggest Croatian export markets and on the single EU market, on specific export opportunities, international organisations' public tenders, the EU's mechanisms of export support, government grants, avoidance of double taxation, etc.

(Text: Hina)

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