European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc: Croatia perceived as factor in EU transport network

Croatia is seen as an important factor of Europe's transport network and of implementation of the European strategy for transport perceived as a backbone of the entire European space, Commissioner Bulc said after meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic

European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc meet in Zagreb with Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic, Deputy PM responsible for EU funds Branko Grcic and Transport and Infrastructure Minister Sinisa Hajdas Doncic.

"I have had a pleasant meeting with PM Milanovic, we have considered challenges in the EU transport sector and we have concluded that Croatia, the newest EU member, has been actively engaged in all major EU transport projects," said this Slovenian politician.

Asked by Croatian press about plans for a future bridge connecting the peninsula of Peljesac with the rest of Croatia, the Transport Commissioner said she was acquainted with the matter, although this was not within her remit but that of regional development.

As far as I know, the Peljesac Bridge project is being estimated and I know that Croatia has several mechanisms for the project to be implemented and that there are several instruments in the EU, which is why it is now up to the Croatian government to decide which mechanism it will choose, she said.

Minister Hajdas Doncic said that a draft feasibility study for the Peljesac bridge was nearing completion.

He expressed satisfaction with the talks with Bulc.

The Croatian minister explained that the talks had revolved around projects admissible to the the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), with EUR 450 million being made available to Croatia under this scheme.

Croatia has applied 14 projects from the rail, road and port sectors to this Facility, the minister said, adding that decisions to this effect may be expected in mid-July.

The talks also focused on the liberalisation of passenger transport by rail and on the open skies policy.

Asked by the press whether he had informed the EU commissioner of the Milanovic cabinet plan to privatise the Croatian Motorways operator (HAC), Hajdas Doncic answered in the negative, elaborating that this was an internal matter of Croatia.

(Text and Photo: Hina)
