PM Milanovic issues congratulatory message on Statehood Day

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Wednesday congratulated Croatian citizens on Statehood Day, saying this was the best occasion to once again remember that "at that time we wanted and were creating a free and modern democracy which would be a full member of the European Union and NATO".

In a message released on his and the government's behalf, he said June 25 was important for Croatia because on that day in 1991 parliament passed the constitutional decision on the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Croatia.

He said that 24 years later, Croatia was a free, modern and democratic state in which all its citizens had equal rights, regardless of ethnicity or religion, and that it was everyone's job that it remained so.

"Such a state wouldn't exist without the defenders who led it to victory and on this occasion we must honour and thank everyone who fought and gave their lives for Croatia," the message said.

Milanovic said there was a new goal now, to put Croatia in order, making it a developed and rich country with an even better society for all its citizens. He said "the road to that goal has begun, the state is economically consolidated, we have come out of the recession, we are moving on, we have economic growth, and industry and exports, the foundations of sustainable progress, are increasing."

He is confident that the positive trends will continue in the months and years ahead and that Croatia will be a successful country and its citizens live better. He said the accomplishment of this goal was everyone's desire and the government's first and most important task.

"In order to fully achieve all our potentials, and Croatia's potentials are big, we must not and will not lose faith in our own strength nor let anyone make Croatia a hostage to the past. Key for Croatia's success are firm democratic standards, legal security, stability and openness, and only by meeting those prerequisites can Croatia become a society of satisfied citizens and the state we wanted 24 years ago," the message read.

(Text: HINA)
