Prime Minister Milanovic and nature protection minister Zmajlovic visit Kopacki Rit Nature Park

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said during a visit to the Kopacki Rit Nature Park on Sunday that the park today had much greater potential than it had before, both in terms of employment and revenues and in terms of benefits for the local community

Milanovic visited the park with Nature and Environment Protection Minister Mihael Zmajlovic to attend the "Open Door Day", an event organised by the park's management to inform the public about the results of a HRK 14 million investment in the park's presentation and information centre and its new White Lotus Trail.

The purpose of investments in Croatian nature and national parks is to generate direct employment and new jobs as well as indirect employment because in Bilje municipality, where the Kopacki Rit Nature Park is located, 11 new family farms have been established this year alone, said Zmajlovic.

He added that investing in infrastructure was necessary to enable a bigger number of visitors to come to the area.

He said that project documentation was being prepared for the renovation of Tikves Castle in Baranja, to be financed with EU funds.

The management of the Kopacki Rit Nature Park organised for its visitors today a number of events, such as free boat rides, workshops for children, concerts, and an exhibition of local traditional products. Free transport from Osijek to Kopacki Rit was organised for all visitors.

(Text: Hina)
