Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic says Croatia not celebrating war but freedom and peace

Croatia is not celebrating war but freedom and peace and victory over the criminal politics, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said at a reception held after a military parade on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Operation Storm in Zagreb on Tuesday.

"Croatia had every right to do everything that it could to stay alive and integral, it had the right not to get expelled from its home, it had the right not to serve as human shield to those who destroyed cities and burned down villages. Croatia today is not celebrating the war, it is not celebrating anyone's suffering or persecution, let this be clear to everyone who still don't understand. Croatia had done everything it could to avoid the war, it had offered peaceful solutions. And it was rejected. Croatia today celebrates freedom and peace and with a pure heart it celebrates victory, a turning point which put an end to an ugly, imposed and particularly caddish war," Milanovic said in his speech.

He thanked everyone who sacrificed their lives for Croatia's freedom. He also expressed his gratitude to the first Croatian President Franjo Tudjman who led Croatia "and together with his many associates he prepared the country to preserve its integrity and independence."

Milanovic said that today, 20 years after Operation Storm, Croatia had achieved its objectives - it joined NATO and the European Union and together with its partners it is building a better future. He stressed however that Croatia was deciding on its interests on its own.

One behalf of the government and himself, Milanovic extended his best wishes to Croatian war veterans on their day - War Veterans Days. He also wished the best to all Croatian citizens on Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day.

(Text and foto: HINA)

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