Croatia steps up security along its border, says Interior Minister Ostojic

Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said on Thursday that Croatia stepped up security at its border after a shooting incident about ten days ago when Serbia's police tried to prevent some 1000 migrants from crossing into Hungary.

"Croatia has enough capacities to prevent situations such as those we have seen in our neighbouring country where (migrants) are sleeping in parks and the open air," Minister Ostojic said in an interview with the commercial NOVA TV broadcaster.

He went on to say that Croatia was one of the few European countries with a decline in illegal migrants' arrivals and asylum seekers.

The reason is the fact that Croatia is not a desirable destination for those migrants, he said.

In addition, the border control is at a good level, and also the fact that Croatia is not within the Schengen area also discourages those who want to reach that area, he added.

"The fence erection is a new circumstance in Hungary, and this could in some way redirect the transit route to go through Croatia, however, we are successful in the defence of the border and I hope this will remain so."

(Text and foto: HINA)

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