PM receives Mufti Aziz ef. Hasanovic

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Monday received the head of the Islamic Community in Croatia, Mufti Aziz Hasanovic, the government's public relations office said.  

The two spoke about cooperation between government institutions and the Islamic community in the country, a statement to the press said.

Both sides, the statement underscores, assessed that relations were mutually of a high quality and the talks focussed on cooperation in the future, particularly in view of the 100th anniversary of a Croatian Sabor decision of the equality of Islam and other religions. The statement further adds that Mufti Hasanovic said that this is a reflection of exceptional civilisational achievement and development in Croatia which is something very few countries can boast about.  
The Prime Minister thanked the Islamic Community in Croatia for its contribution to the development of the country and confirmed the government's readiness to continue developing relations with the Islamic Community. 

(Hina) sp

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