Prime Minister: Government now to focus on controlling public debt

In Ludbreg, Milanovic visited the foreign-owned companies Ducati Komponenti and ACG Lukaps, which respectively manufacture electric-drive vehicles and capsules for the pharmaceutical industry and are export-oriented. 

​In Ludbreg, Milanovic visited the foreign-owned companies Ducati Komponenti and ACG Lukaps, which respectively manufacture electric-drive vehicles and capsules for the pharmaceutical industry and are export-oriented. He expressed satisfaction with the state of the economy and industrial production growth.

Speaking to the press during a visit to the northern town of Ludbreg, Milanovic said that opinion polls had also given Ivo Josipovic a lead but in the end he had failed to win a second term in office as president. The PM said that elections were still "a few months away" and that people would realise that there was no going back to the old ways, that Croatia was "functioning well, moving forward and growing, and in a healthy way."
"Trends show, and that's what interests me the most, clear public support for the government's work. These trends have shown for months not only that Croatia has emerged from the recession but also that things are developing in a healthy way, and we should keep saying this," Milanovic said.
He added that now that the crisis was over the focus would be on controlling the public debt. "Croatia has a sound balance of payments thanks to exports, industrial exports and service exports through tourism," he noted.

(Text: Hina)
