Milanovic, Faymann agree close cooperation in refugee crisis

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann on Thursday agreed close cooperation in dealing with the refugee crisis, Faymann's spokeswoman Susanna Enk told Austria's APA news agency.

Milanovic and Faymann stressed that it was necessary to respect the Dublin Regulation and Europe's common asylum policy. Enk said the two officials did not discuss possible refugee corridors through Croatia and Slovenia.
The refugee issue is a pan-European challenge which individual countries can't handle alone, Milanovic and Faymann concluded and Faymann wants an extraordinary European Union summit on the refugee crisis, which will most probably take place next week, Elk said.
Milanovic said at a cabinet session today that he had talked with Faymann. "We shared the experience, agreed some things. Austria is increasingly becoming a destination country, Croatia isn't," he said.
He reiterated that Croatia would be constructive and cooperative, "but there are limits to our capacities... After that, if the number increases, we don't know if we will be able to register all people... We must first and foremost see to Croatian interests, but I think we have shown already at the beginning that we can behave as people."

(Text: Hina)
