Milanovic: Croatia proved itself as humane and organised state

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Monday evening that during the migrant crisis Croatia had proved itself as a modern, civilised, humane and well-organised country of the western circle which did not handle the migrant crisis to promote its own interest nor it has allowed that its citizens be in jeopardy.

We did not want to spread panic, we knew what we were doing, Milanovic said when asked about switching from plan A to plan B. "I am proud of how we handled this. Croatia today is a country with a reputation in the world," Milanovic told RTL.

Milanovic believes that in order to calm the refugee crisis it is necessary to financially support Turkey which is taking care of two million refugees. He criticised Greece which, according to him, is not controlling its borders, although it is in the Schengen area.
Asked about the parliamentary elections, Milanovic reiterated the election date would be set by President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic.

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