The Croatian Parliament adopted Strategy of Education, Science and Technology in October 17, 2014 and appointed the Special Expert Committee for the Implementation of the Strategy of Education, Science and Technology.
Committee's task is to create Action Plan of the Strategy's implementation, coordinate responsible stakeholders and define implementation indicators showing efficiency of the Strategy's objectives and measures implementation. Additionally, the Committee will organize projects for the creation of Action Plans addressing particular complex measures and setting-up of working groups that would thoroughly elaborate Strategy in its specific segments. Finally, the Committee will report The Government of the Republic of Croatia about its work and results at least once in a year in the written form.
The Committee presented project of the Strategy's implementation called “Nove boje znanja” and the new web portal on the September 8th, 2014.
On drafting of the Strategy between 2012 and September 2014 more than 130 experts were involved, without any compensation, in the 19 different working and thematic groups, established in order to create comprehensive strategic document that recognizes education and science as the Croatian developmental priorities. In the globalized world of the dynamic social, economic and cultural changes, simultaneously faced with the challenges of the new technologies, environmental protection and the aging of the population, with the limited human, material and natural resources, Croatia must anticipate long-term development and be ready for the adjustments.
Demographic, economic and cultural changes in which Croatian society is currently situated are the most solid basis of the Croatian Strategy of Education, Science and Technology and it is the responsibility of the state to develop and manage its education system in cooperation with the private sector. Creation of the innovative society and economy, well-adjusted to the future unpredictable challenges is the necessary precondition for the shaping of creative human knowledge capital that in modern societies has advantage over natural goods capital and routine work and even over financial capital. Knowledge has extraordinary importance in the projections of the strategic development.
Lifelong learning is perceived as a foundation of the education that encourages individual from the different age groups to study through the different learning forms and with the continuous access to the education. Lifelong learning, science and innovation shape the knowledge triangle to which the state provides conditions for the efficient functioning.
Education will be built on the following principles:
This Strategy is envisaged in the way that is proposes measures that are aligned with the envisaged strategies of the European Union and goals whose realization is expected until year 2025.
Realization of these strategic goals is possible only if the long-term strategic vision of development is followed, aiming to achieve comprehensive, flexible and efficient education system that connects different levels and forms of education and research in the harmonious and transparent entity based on the joint positive values, principles and goals.
Croatian Strategy of Education, Science and Technology that is, among other things, directed at education that actively promotes comprehensive individual development of every pupil and student, promotes social equality and democratic values and strongly contributes to the social and economic development. Education system will ensure acquisition of knowledge, skills and values to the every pupil and student that are necessary for the successful life in the modern society by qualifying them for the lifelong learning and work and enabling their development as the creative, active and self-confident individuals responsible for personal and social progress.
Strategy must ensure flexibility and adaptability of the education and research system, while at the same time it must be subject to the continuous review and period revision process. Consequently, the Strategy must also be adopted by the all interested stakeholders, meaning entire Croatian society and political parties in order to secure its continuous and consistent implementation in the long-term period.
Taking into consideration that Croatia has restricted human and material resources at its disposal, it is necessary to devise gradual changes that would utilize everything recognized as valuable in the education and research system, while at the same time not hindering quality foundations and securing accomplishment of the best possible results with the invested resources and goals.
Strategy is based on the following principles:
The Government of the Republic of Croatia has organized a Facebook chat „Reformiramo obrazovni sustav – nove boje znanja“ in order to inform citizens about the Strategy's implementation.