PM Milanovic: Wire fences are not the solution, Croatia will take care of its interests

"We in Croatia, who have always lived on borders, know what is dangerous and what is not. This is not a danger," Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Sunday during a visit to the town of Kastav near the seaport of Rijeka. 

Asked about the possibility that Hungary would seal its border with Croatia in an attempt to prevent migrants from crossing onto its territory, PM Milanovic said that the Croatians "are a nation that has not grown behind a wire fence and I hope that the others too will realise that wire fences are not a solution. Croatia will take care of its interests."
"I hope they will not force us to erect a sort of fence... this is the ultimate solution, when you are surrounded by people who do not understand either the past or the present and who call for protection against Islam. They should go back to the 11th, 12th, or 14th century," Milanovic said alluding to a tide of people fleeing war-stricken countries.

(Text and foto: HINA)
