Govt. to request intl. assistance in organising reception of migrants

The Croatian government adopted a decision on Thursday on requesting international assistance in organising the reception of migrants, 217,538 of whom entered Croatia since September 16.

The government authorised the State Protection and Rescue Service to ask the European Union through the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism for material assistance in organising the reception of migrants.

The tentative list of material resources to be requested will be expanded as needed, Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said, adding that Croatia needed assistance given the number of people entering Croatia.
The list includes 1,000 winter tents, 100 residential and 20 sanitary containers, 200 tent heaters, 1,000 folding and 500 bunk beds, 2,500 sleeping bags, 30,000 blankets, 1,000 pairs of rubber boots etc.
Speaking to the press ahead of the government session, Ostojic said that given the weather, up to 13,000 blankets were necessary in one night. He said the request for international assistance was being made so that Croatia could further stabilise the situation, which is now much more complex because of the weather.

(Hina) ha
