Prime Minister Milanovic says Croatia good for business and sensitive towards those less fortunate

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday that the latest World Bank report called "Doing Business 2016" showed that Croatia was a good place for doing business and that it also remained a welfare state.

"In the past four years we jumped from the 85th to the 40th place on the list of 190 world economies, which is good," Milanovic said. He added that Croatia had become a good place for doing business.
"There are countries that are good for business but they are brutal to their own citizens, while Croatia has a balance," he added. Milanovic said his goal in the next four years was to have Croatia in the Doing Business report among the 10 best countries in Europe and 20 best countries in the world.
The World bank's "Doing Business 2016" publication is due to be officially released after 2000 hours on Tuesday and, according to unofficial information, Croatia ranks 40th out of 189 countries.
Croatia scored the maximum 100 points in the category "Trading across border".
"In the past four years we jumped from the 85th to the 40th place on the list of 190 world economies, which is good," Milanovic said. He added that Croatia had become a good place for doing business.
"There are countries that are good for business but they are brutal to their own citizens, while Croatia has a balance," he added. Milanovic said his goal in the next four years was to have Croatia in the Doing Business report among the 10 best countries in Europe and 20 best countries in the world.
The World bank's "Doing Business 2016" publication is due to be officially released after 2000 hours on Tuesday and, according to unofficial information, Croatia ranks 40th out of 189 countries.
Croatia scored the maximum 100 points in the category "Trading across border".

(Text: Hina)
