Prime Minister Milanovic: Croatia feels negative consequences of climate changes

Although Croatia's share in the global greenhouse gas emission is an insignificant 0.06%, Croatia feels the negative consequences of climate changes just as the rest of the world, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said in Paris on Monday.

Milanovic was at the helm of Croatia's delegation at the opening of the Paris Climate Changes Summit.
Leaders of 150 nations, along with 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, are attending the conference, called COP21. COP stands for Conference of Parties, an annual forum to try to tackle climate change on a global political level.
The leaders have one mission: Agree on legally binding reductions in greenhouse gas emissions meant to hold global average temperatures short of a 2 degrees Celsius increase over preindustrial global temperatures.
"Although Croatia's share in the global CO2 emission is an insignificant 0.06%, we feel the negative consequences of climate changes as much as the rest of the world does. Draughts, floods such as the catastrophic one that hit eastern Slavonia or extreme temperatures pose a threat to the environment, health and safety of citizens as well as the national economy. In order to cushion or prevent climate changes, last year alone we co-financed energy efficiency projects worth HRK 2.5 billion," Milanovic said at the conference.
"Responsibilities and obligations must be assigned not only based on greenhouse gas emissions, but also based on the capacities and GDP of individual countries. Countries with higher greenhouse gas emission also have a greater power and must assume more obligations," MIlanovic told the conference.

(Text: Hina)
