New Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic takes office

The new Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic took over the office from his predecessor Zoran Milanovic on late Friday night after the parliament approved the Oreskovic cabinet by 83 votes to 61, with five abstentions.

Oreskovic, accompanied by Deputy Prime Ministers Tomislav Karamarko of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and Bozo Petrov of the Bridge party, arrived at the Banski Dvori, the government's headquarters, for the takeover ceremony a few minutes before the midnight.


"Challenges are ahead of us, and my team is ready to take over responsibility and do their best to kick-start economy and enhance the living standards of Croatians," said Oreskovic, who also admitted that he had not expected that the parliamentary debate before the vote of confidence to his cabinet would last the whole day and that the dominant topic would be about the Second World War Partisans and Ustasha. However, this is a democracy, and in a democratic state some things may last longer, he added.


He, nevertheless, believes that there are more important topics to be focused on.


"I believe that citizens want some changes. I have openly communicated my opinion and I will focus on the future rather than on the past."


The former PM Milanovic congratulated Oreskovic wishing him best in the premiership. "It will not be simple. But it will be easier than four years before," Social Democrat (SDP) leader Milanovic said.
