Finance Minister Maric: No changes to tax system this year

Finance Minister Zdravko Maric on Tuesday said that he would prepare macroeconomic prerequisites over the next two weeks relating to economic growth, inflation and personal consumption, underscoring that there would not be any additional changes to the tax system.

"In the next two weeks we will prepare and complete and update macroeconomic prerequisites for growth, inflation and personal consumption and other elements that will be key to planning the revenue side of the budget," Maric told reporters after a meeting in the government where he presented this year's budget guidelines.
He underlined that this year there would not be any additional changes to the tax system. "Hence, the tax system should remain unchanged," he said and added that the emphasis of this and following meetings would be the expenditure side of the budget.
He added that this morning's ministerial meeting was just one step in the entire budget planning process and an opportunity to present ministers with a starting framework to prepare their budgets for 2016.

(Text and Photo: Hina)
