Prime Minister Oreskovic meets with union leaders

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic on Friday held his first talks with the leaders of four union federations who said they were pleased that constructive dialogue had been opened to deal with the many problems, which had not been the case with the previous government.

The talks were held at the government headquarters, with Finance Minister Zdravko Maric and Labour Minister Nada Sikic present.
The leader of the SSSH union federation, Mladen Novosel, said the unionists briefed Oreskovic about the problems they expected to be solved urgently, notably those depending on the Economy Ministry and the State Property Management Office.
We expect cooperation, tripartite social dialogue, and swift and efficient problem solving, Novosel said, adding that the PM expected the deficit and the public debt to be reduced and the State Property Restructuring and Sale Centre to be staffed.
The head of the HURS union federation, Ozren Matijasevic, told the PM that business decision making was paralysed and that the economy continued to disintegrate. He called for finding a strategic partner for the TLM light metals plant by the end of this month and a solution for 1,201 of its workers who could not receive salaries since the plant's bankruptcy.
Matijasevic said he also raised the issue of Economy Minister Tomislav Panenic, "following information that he was fired for stealing at an earlier workplace. I expect a retraction, and if it's true, then Panenic doesn't have the necessary credibility to solve problems."
Matijasevic said he had nothing against Oreskovic's short term goals focusing on the activation of neglected state properties worth EUR 500 million, but noted that the value of such properties totalled EUR 30 billion. This money should be used to stimulate SMEs and investments, which would result in a better credit rating and cheaper borrowing, notably for the real sector, he added. 
The leader of the NHS union federation, Kresimir Sever, said they were told that the dialogue which the previous government stopped would be institutionalised. Meetings were agreed with the PM on strategic issues and the activation of the Economic and Social Council, which should first discuss the 2016 budget.
Oreskovic said he expected us to be open with him but first it is necessary to open dialogue, Sever said, adding that unions should have their say in budget preparation, possible cost-cutting, and the adoption of laws and regulations.
We requested an urgent meeting between the government and civil service unions on the bill extending a ban on the payment of salary bonuses of 4, 8 and 10% based on years of service for public sector employees, Sever said, adding that a decision on the bonuses and on a 6% base salary rise in the public sector in the wake of economic growth should be a result of agreement.
Asked what Finance Minister Maric said about their request for the 6% salary rise, Sever said he told them the matter would be discussed.
The head of the MHS union federation, Vilim Ribic, welcomed the PM's willingness to talk with the union leaders, saying this was a radical change after four years under the previous government. He said communication between some social segments had been shut down over the past four years and that this was bad for Croatia's social and economic development.


(Text and photo: Hina)
