Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic says control to be stepped up but borders won't be closed

Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic on Wednesday evening attended a working dinner in Brussels that revolved around the western Balkan migrant route and after that he said that the discussion about the topic was open.

The dinner was organised by European Council President Donald Tusk and was attended by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Slovenian PM Miro Cerar and Presidents Tomislav Nikolic of Serbia and Gjorge Ivanov of Macedonia as well as EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and some other officials from the EC.
"Each country has presented its position on the situation and its proposals for solutions. Croatia supports the Slovenian Prime Minister's proposal to step up resources at the Macedonia-Greece border, Croatian police officers have already been sent there. I can say that we have discussed much about that proposal," Oreskovic added.
He said that the borders along that route used by west Europe-bound migrants from the Middle East and north Africa would not be closed, but controls of the borders would be stepped up.
If Austria steps up the control and ration the intake of refugees, the same will be done by Slovenia and then by Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia, he added.
He said that he had agreed with the Slovenian PM Cerar and the Serbian president  Nikolic on cooperation in case of any changes.
On Thursday, on the margins of the EU summit, Oreskovic will meet British Prime Minister David Cameron for talks on Brexit. Oreskovic said that Croatia supported agreement with Britain and that his country wanted Britain to stay inside the EU bloc.

(Text and Photo: Hina)
