Prime Minister Oreskovic says situation with migrant crisis very serious

The situation with the migrant crisis in the European Union is very serious and it can only be solved with joint effort, Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said in Brussels on Thursday.

The situation is very serious. We need to see how it will develop in the next three to four weeks, Oreskovic said upon arriving for a summit of EU leaders to focus on the migrant crisis and future relations with Great Britain.

Underlining the importance of communication between countries on the Western Balkan migrant route, Oreskovic said: "It is important that we cooperate and have open communication. (The migrant crisis) is a problem not only for the Western Balkans, but for the whole Europe and we will have to deal with it together."

He said that he informed the EC president of his plans to activate dormant capital to reduce the country's foreign debt, on plans to absorb 10.7 billion euros available to Croatia in EU funds, and to establish a half-billion euro fund to stimulate investments by small and medium businesses.

(Text and Photo: Hina)
