Prime Minister Oreskovic: Government ready to cooperate with employers

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic told the Croatian Employers' Association (HUP) on Thursday that the government was prepared for cooperation with employers with the aim of acting together as partners in creating and implementing economic measures, the government said in a statement.

Prime Minister Oreskovic underscored the government's openness to ideas and proposals by the private sector and expressed hope for future active cooperation to achieve reforms and economic recovery.
"HUP representatives proposed a significant number of short-term and long-term measures for economic recovery and how to improve the investment climate in Croatia, stressing their strong support for the government's work, readiness for partnership, constructive cooperation and social dialogue. Within the framework of constructive cooperation with the government, HUP's representatives put all their professional capacities at the government's disposal so that the implementation of the proposed measures can be as successful and efficient as possible. They also proposed that a coordinating body be established that will facilitate efficient communication and cooperation," the government noted.
The prime minister called on HUP representatives to submit their priorities and concrete proposals as soon as possible.
Deputy prime ministers Tomislav Karamarko and Bozo Petrov, Economy Minister Tomislav Panenic and SMEs Minister Darko Horvat participated in the meeting with HUP.
This was the first meeting between HUP and the new government, officially launching social dialogue, HUP director-general Davor Majetic told Hina after the meeting. He added that the talks focused on the situation in Croatia's economy and measures that need to be taken.
"The Economic and Social Council is expected to start working next week already, which for us, is the start of reforms, changes to legislation and everything that was announced and is yet to be announced," Majetic said.
He believes that it is important that agreement exists with the government over necessary, fast results and quick activities, alongside long-term structural measures being launched.
"In that regard, we support the government with reference to fiscal consolidation, controlling the deficit, reducing the public debt and the speedy activation of dormant capital, the privatisation of state-owned companies and the activation of capital. Today it is not being activated because people do not wish to invest in Croatia because they cannot see any results or success," Majetic said and stressed that that climate has to be changed as soon as possible.
At a seminar in the Croatian National Bank, Finance Minister Zdravko Maric commented on the meeting between the prime minister and HUP, saying that he and the prime minister had already met with employers and that "their words and messages certainly did not go unnoticed."
What the state can do, Maric said, is to boost the economy through its institutions and that is what HUP and many other stakeholders in the business system are suggesting. That refers to facilitating and removing certain administrative barriers, para-fiscal levies and so on, he said.
Today's meeting will certainly additionally contribute not just to dialogue but to concretising certain measures, Maric concluded.


(Text: Hina)
