Prime Minister Oreskovic, Qatari ambassador talk LNG terminal

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic met on Friday with Qatari Ambassador to Croatia Moza Bint Nasser Bin Ahmed Ali Al-Thani for talks on bilateral relations and possibilities of economic cooperation, notably regarding liquefied natural gas (LNG), the government said in a press release.

The European Commission has endorsed projects which advance access to the global LNG market and one of its priority projects is an LNG terminal on the Croatian island of Krk, which increases energy independence and security as well as diversification of supply in a large part of the European Union, the press release said, adding that Qatar had been interested in the project for years and was a potential partner.
The two officials said the cooperation with the Croatian armed forces was excellent and expressed a wish to expand it to other areas.

(Text: Hina)
