First Deputy Prime Minister Karamarko marks start of building works on 147 mln project

First Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko on Tuesday marked the start of construction works on the implementation of the EU project "Improvement of water infrastructure in the Virovitica agglomeration, worth HRK 147.2 million.

The European Union is financing 71% of the project which foresees the construction of a waste water purifier for the population of 25,000, a 35 km sewage network and supporting infrastructure.

Marking the beginning of the construction, Karamarko said he was satisfied with the fact that the funds for this project came from the European Union.

"Projects like this give us hope that we will learn how to communicate with the European Commission and those managing EU funds and that we will receive funds necessary for development and job creation," Karamarko said.

(Text: Hina)
