Prime Minister Oreskovic visits two family farms, enterprise zone in eastern Croatia

On the second day of his visit to the eastern County of Vukovar-Srijem on Friday, Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic visited a family-run pig farm in Komletinci, a family vegetable farm in Privlaka and the enterprise zone in Otok.

"We can see that it is possible to be successful here because people want to work, we need only to ensure conditions for them and see how the government can help," Oreskovic said, adding that currently there were about 200,000 pigs in Croatia and the government plans to increase their number to 1.8 million.

The Mayor of Otok, Josip Saric, asked the prime minister for help for the construction of a residential estate for 250 young families and a secondary school in Otok.

The prime minister is also due to visit the Nexus company in Cerna and meet with the Mayor of Vinkovci, Mladen Karlic.

(Text: Hina)
