Prime Minister Oreskovic meets with Pope Francis

Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic met with Pope Francis in the Vatican.

According to earlier announcements, the Croatian PM was expected to discuss with the Pope the canonisation of the Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, the migrant crisis and the status of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Foreign and European Affairs Minister Miro Kovac said Oreskovic's visit to the Vatican would show once again that Croatia had excellent and very close relations with the Holy See.

Kovac underlined that he was an optimist regarding the setting of a date for the canonisation of Cardinal Stepinac.

Asked by reporters if a date for Stepinac's canonisation would be made public, Kovac said that they would discuss the entire process. "I think that the Prime Minister and the Holy Father will have one-on-one talks on that topics. Personally, I am an optimist."

The one-on-one talks between Oreskovic and Pope Francis lasted around half an hour.

Oreskovic is accompanied by his wife and their four children during the visit to the Vatican.

After meeting with Pope Francis, Oreskovic will meet with the Holy See's State Secretary, Pietro Parolin, and the two will discuss the restitution of church property and treaties between Croatia and the Vatican. 

During the visit to the Vatican, Oreskovic will go on a sight-seeing tour, including landmarks such as St. Peter's Basilica, Saint Peter's tomb and Pope John Paul II's tomb. A visit the Pontifical Croatian College of St Jerome is also scheduled.

Of the former Croatian prime ministers, Zoran Milanovic was the last to visit the Vatican, in late October 2012, when he met with then Pope Bendict XVI.

(Text: Hina, Photo: Hina/ Damir SenĨar)
