Prime Minister Oreskovic says government condemns Ustasha crimes

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic condemned the crimes of the Ustasha regime, adding that he regretted that marking the day of remembrance of WWII Jasenovac concentration camp victims was being used for politicisation which he said was inappropriate and led to new divisions in society.

"The Croatian government and I personally condemn the crimes committed by the Ustasha regime," the PM told Croatian Radio Television (HRT).

He recalled that April 22 was the day of commemorating innocent victims of the Jasenovac concentration camp which even the Blessed Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac had said was the biggest stain on Croatia's history.

"I regret that this occasion (...) is being used for politicisation, which is inappropriate and which leads to new divisions in society. All this not only offends the victims and their families, but it also causes great damage to Croatia," Oreskovic said.

(Text: Hina)
