Prime Minister Oreskovic: Reform plan will be submited to the European Commission soon

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic confirmed on Friday that the government and its social partners had discussed the reform plan which the government intended to submit to the European Commission soon, adding that he did not mind that the document had been leaked to the public.

"We openly and transparently invited our partners to talks last week. We openly discussed our plans with trade unions and presented our reform plan. It has already been leaked to the public, but that's okay. This government will not isolate itself and wait for everything to be over, we are open to discussion," Oreskovic told reporters after the opening of a conference on the reform of public administration in Zagreb.

Oreskovic said that discussions and tensions were healthy, describing the reform of public administration a fundamental reform and the conference as just the beginning of a journey towards an efficient public administration.

"This is just the beginning. It is important that we have started working, regardless of how much some relations are talked about, those are growing pains. We all know that when a team is being formed, there are different opinions and that eventually they have to be harmonised," said the PM.

Attending the conference along with Oreskovic was also Petrov. Reporters remarked that Karamarko was not present, to which Oreskovic said that there was nothing unusual about it.

"We are all going today to Jasenovac and we will be there together. Mr Karamarko must be on his way there. The reform of public administration is an important topic, I think that we have support for it and we want to make it clear that this is a key reform for this country," he said.

(Text and photo: Hina)
