Prime Minister says raising living standards common objective of government and unions

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said on Sunday that raising living standards for Croatian citizens was a common objective of the government and trade unions, expressing hope his cabinet and unionists would achieve that in negotiations that have already started.

Asked to comment on his government's first 100 days in office, Oreskovic said a lot had already been done. The government has adopted a realistic budget and a reform package, he added.

Concrete steps have been taken to improve Croatia's image, notably when it comes to investments, he added, citing in that context a HRK100 million investment in Pliva pharmaceutical company.

Oreskovic said he had presented Croatia's economic potential to a number of politicians and businessmen in Croatia and abroad.

The priority now is to carry out the reform package that we recently adopted and I am confident we will manage to create a favourable climate as soon as possible and Croatian citizens will start feeling that things are moving forward, Oreskovic said underscoring that his government was stable.

(Text: Hina)
