Prime Minister Oreskovic attended special session of Sabor

During a special session of the Sabor on Monday, Parliament Speaker Zeljko Reiner called on lawmakers and all citizens to promote togetherness and not to be divided along any whatsoever "dividing lines."

"Instead of division I call on fellow deputies and all Croatian citizens to promote and support togetherness because during these difficult times, the wise, responsible and well-intentioned stick together and do not divide along any whatsoever imaginary lines of division for reasons that may exist objectively or merely for daily politicking or due to current trivial interests," Reiner said in parliament marking Parliament Day, in memory of 30 May 1990 and the constitution of the first democratic multi-party parliament.

Parliament was and will remain the guardian of Croatian statehood. Let's hope that it will always remain a shield of democratic freedom and rights, Reiner said greeting all Croatian citizens for Croatian Sabor Day, which he described as "the day of parliamentary democracy!"

Many distinguished guests attended the session, including the top state leadership with the exception of First Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko (HDZ).

The leader  of the largest Opposition party Zoran Milanovic (SDP) did not attend either.

(Text: Hina)
