Commemorations of 25th anniversary of establishment of Armed Forces start

Defenders from the 1991-95 Homeland War and members of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior lined up before state officials at a stadium in Zagreb , at the beginning of ceremonies commemorating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces, Armed Forces Day and Army Day.

Twenty-five years ago, the first review of the National Guard Corps (ZNG) was held at the stadium of the football club Zagreb, when the first ZNG brigades, which during the war grew into the Armed Forces, were presented to the Croatian public.

Attending today's review were President and Armed Forces Supreme Commander Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Parliament Speaker Zeljko Reiner, Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic and Foreign and European Affairs Minister Miro Kovac.

The commemorative events were expected to continue at Jarun, the city's sports and recreation centre, and last throughout the day. They include a presentation of the military and police equipment, an exhibition, a concert, a parachute show, military exercises, and an air show.

(Text: Hina)
