Prime Minister Oreskovic pleased with GDP growth of 2.7%

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said on Tuesday he was pleased that the Croatian economy had grown 2.7% in the first quarter of this year, which was more than expected.

"I am pleased. I hope that finally some positive news can be spread. I have been saying for some time that I'm an optimist. We can see that exports are growing, that the climate is changing. A growth of 2.7% is a positive indicator and if GDP grows by 2.7% then that means that we will have positive effects with regard to the debt and deficit," Oreskovic said in Paris during a two-day working visit.

On the second day of his visit, Oreskovic attended a meeting of the French-Croatian Business Council at the international office of the National Council of the French Employers where he spoke with Secretary-General Pierre Gattaz as well as meeting with French company executives interested in investing in Croatia.

"The GDP growth will strengthen our macro-economic indicators, which is positive for Croatia and sends a message to investors," Oreskovic said, announcing more positive developments with the activation of European funds and the launch of investments like the Peljesac bridge and others.

"I am here today to stimulate things and create a positive climate. That climate needs to be created, it doesn't come of its own accord. It is important that I as prime minister and my ministers are out in the field, talking with investors and sending these messages. I am certain then that investors will say in their circles that Croatia is open, that it is implementing reforms and that we are prepared to implement them. These reforms aren't easy but in the end they give positive results. I have been saying from day one that I am focussed on results. I hope that we Croats will start to be happier now that we have something to be happy about and say that things are great. We have our exports, and this is something positive and let's move on," Oreskovic said.

The State Bureau of Statistics (DZS) on Tuesday released its preliminary estimates according to which GDP rose by 2.7% in Q1 on the year, which was a higher growth than had been expected. Analysts forecast an average growth of 2.4%.

(Text: Hina)
