Prime Minister calls for unity in Statehood Day message

Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic on Friday congratulated Croatian citizens at home and abroad on Statehood Day, observed on June 25, recalling the historic importance of the date and calling for unity and togetherness.

In all watershed moments for our country, we have shown unity and togetherness, because only that way are we strong enough for all the obstacles and challenges ahead of Croatia, Oreskovic said in a note.

Statehood Day is observed in honour of the great day 25 years ago when the Croatian parliament turned the plebiscitary will of citizens, that Croatia should continue to build its future as an independent and sovereign state, into a historic decision, Oreskovic said.

With the Constitutional Decision on Croatia's sovereignty and independence and the Declaration on the proclamation of a sovereign and independent Croatia began a thorny path to freedom and democracy on which many gave their lives and health, notably the defenders, to whom we once again express our gratitude and respect. Over the past 25 years, we followed our path to freedom, but a high price was paid, Oreskovic said.

Today, Croatia is a full member of the European Union and NATO. At the European table, we find joint solutions to the contemporary problems before us and develop a society based on common European values, the caretaker PM said.

(Text: Hina)
