Split hosting EPP conference

After Brexit, the European Union should be friendly but firm in talks with the United Kingdom, the European People's Party said in Split at the opening of "The Mediterranean-Geopolitics and European Integration, Challenges and Opportunities" organised by the EPP and the European Ideas Network

EIN president and EPP vice president Paulo Rangel said the summer university, which lasts until July 2, would discuss the Mediterranean, the Adriatic-Ionian region, the refugee crisis, terrorism, Islamic State, Europe's future, and the European monetary policy.

At all meetings of this summer university we must also touch on the repercussions of the Britons' recent referendum to leave the European Union, he said, adding that talks on the UK's exit would be friendly but firm.

EIN's 16th summer university is being attended by EPP members of the European Parliament and over 200 figures from politics, the economy, enterprise, the academic community, political consulting agencies, journalism and civil society. It is hosted by the EPP's Croatian delegation.

Caretaker Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said Brexit would determine the future of integration in Europe. Some see Europe's future in a federation, such as advocated by Winston Churchill, but after Brexit it is becoming clear that such a solution has no future and that the time of virtually not consulting member states in decision-making in Brussels is over, he added.

Europe must change and the EU must restore citizens' confidence, Oreskovic said. Although it's difficult to foresee the repercussions of Brexit, financial markets are getting back to normal, he said, but warned that other member states might have situations similar to Brexit, which would bring the EU even more challenges.

These are challenging times for Europe's future, but I'm sure the EU will overcome the crisis and that wise heads will be stronger than the other ones and that we will be even more united, Oreskovic said.

The president of the EPP group in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, voiced hope that the EU would economically manage to prevent the damage from Brexit. Some banks are saying they will leave London, which means that Brexit is an opportunity to show that EU member states can't play with the EU, he said.

National military wars in Europe are possible if we are not careful, he warned.

(Text: Hina)
