New Year's message of the Prime Minister Plenkovic

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has said in his New Year's message that Croatia is entering 2017 with many challenges and also with restored optimism, emphasising that the main task of his cabinet, inaugurated on 19 October 2016, would be to ensure further economic growth.

Commenting on the outgoing year in a message issued on Friday, Plenkovic recalled that 2016 would be remembered by Croatians for having had three governments and a snap parliamentary election on 11 September, which was the first time Croatia had an early parliamentary poll.

"In a short period we have changed the atmosphere in the society and focused action on concrete social, economic and everyday life topics, and on the future of the Croatian people. In the two months since my cabinet won confidence, we made a set of decisions that change Croatia for the better."

The premier recalls that as of 1 January, Croatian citizens and entrepreneurs will pay lower taxes owing to a tax reform.

"We have adopted a good and rational 2017 budget, a key financial document of the state, based on the government's agenda," Plenkovic says, underscoring higher funds to be allocated for maternity leave and higher outlays for education, science, housing for young families, Homeland Defence War veterans and the defence sector.

He says that the base pay in the public sector will rise by 103 kuna (EUR 13.7) and minimum wage by 156 kuna (EUR 20.8) next year.

Responsible governance of public finance has led to a positive headway in Croatia's rating outlook for the first time in nine years, which is conducive to efforts to improve the country's credit rating. In Q3 2016, our economy grew by 2.9%, which was the fastest rate among European Union member-states and the highest since 2008, and our industrial production rose 7.1% this November, Plenkovic says in his message.

All this gives rise to revived optimism in 2017, he adds.

"Many challenges, however, lie ahead of us. Hard work is not always rewarded properly, and some of our fellow citizens cannot find a job or ensure a dignified life for their families," Plenkovic warns.

Therefore, our main tasks in 2017 will be to further develop the national economy, he says.

"Encouraged by good economic indicators, we will continue adopting measures conducive to doing business and to boosting competitiveness as well as to job creation, investments and exports."

In his message, Plenkovic promises the continuation of the education reform and healthcare system consolidation.

We can accomplish all these objectives only through the engagement of all social stakeholders, primarily the social partners -- trade unions and employers, he says.

Plenkovic recalls that on 15 January 2017, Croatia will mark the 25th anniversary of its international recognition which he sees as one more occasion to pay tribute to those who fought for the country in the fair and defensive Homeland Defence War and to the first Croatian president, Franjo Tudjman.

Aware of an increasingly challenging global environment, Croatia, as a member of the European Union and NATO, will reinforce its engagement in search of joint solutions to foreign affairs and security challenges. We will be committed to the further stabilisation of southeast Europe and notably to Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as to efforts to make sure that local Croats enjoy equal status as the other two constituent peoples in that country, Plenkovic says in his message.

Text: Hina
