PM Plenkovic says declaration on common language unworthy of comment

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday that the "Declaration on a Common Language" did not deserve any serious comment, recalling that the Croatian language was defined by the Croatian Constitution and was one of the official EU languages.

"How could I support it? Who in Croatia can support it?," Plenkovic said when asked to comment on a declaration drafted by 30 experts from various fields at the conference "Languages and Nationalisms", held from April to November 2016 in Podgorica, Split, Belgrade and Sarajevo.

"The Croatian language is the language of the Republic of Croatia defined by our constitution. Croatian is one of the official languages of the EU. That is the only thing important to me. As for any informal initiatives, I think that we do not have to dignify them with a serious comment," said Plenkovic.

The declaration will be presented on April 1 and will be open for signature at the project website

Text: Hina
