Plenkovic, Cerar, Juncker agree easier border crossing

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Slovenian PM Miro Cerar reached an agreement at a meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels on Saturday that border police could switch from systematic to targeted checks as soon as waiting on border crossings took more than 15 minutes.

"We agreed today on switching from systematic to targeted checks based on guidelines prepared by the Commission as soon as waiting on the borders exceeds 15 minutes, which means that now we have a very clear confirmation from the Commission of a legal way which allows border police to make an easier switch from systematic to targeted checks in line with risk assessment," Plenkovic said, adding that the agreement could be enforced as early as tomorrow.

Plenkovic, Cerar and Juncker met ahead of a European Union summit on Brexit.

Text: Hina
