PM Plenkovic congratulated Labour Day

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Sunday congratulated everyone on Labour Day, saying the government was open to social dialogue and that it was doing everything to increase employability, improve living conditions and stop young people from emigrating.

The government is working on boosting economic growth and creating prerequisites for job creation and social solidarity, Plenkovic said in a note.

"We are building Croatia as a functioning European country of equal possibilities for all our people. The positive macroeconomic indicators are encouraging for the Croatian economy, but also a confirmation of the right direction of the reforms launched. We are showing our openness to social dialogue through cooperation with unions and employers and will continue to work on that," Plenkovic said.

He said the government was doing its best to increase employability, improve living conditions and stop young people from emigrating, including through the tax reform, by increasing minimum pay, childbirth allowances, incentives for youth employment and public sector salaries, by removing administrative obstacles and subsidising housing loans.

Text: Hina
